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Farm Business Partnership provides the alternatives to conventional agricultural practices for land owners and food producers to participate in changing the unsustainable agricultural paradigms by the conversion of land to “natural soil” to grow an abundance of nutritionally dense organic food for local markets. The program inherently eliminates synthetic chemicals from use in agriculture.

The FBP program is conducted through a “Legacy Land Lease Agreement” where the landowner receives a net share of the crop wholesale market value as rent.

Seribu Bio provides all inputs, equipment, labor, marketing and management.

Any landowner, that is a farmer may seek full time employment with the company and receive a working wage for their labor, working with the full support of the agri-business and natural science teams.

There is no cost to join the Farm Business Partnership just the desire to do the right thing for your farm’s economic viability, the economic prosperity of your family in the generations to come, the future of the community and the planet. You will join the battle against depletion and pollution of the aquifers, the water table and the drinking water of your community. You will be a champion of carbon sequestration, leading your community to reach its sustainable development goals.

Ask your Geoponix - Farm Liaison Officer for more details and how you can become a part of the Farm Business Partnership for the next sowing of the seeds!

Empowering Farmers and the Farming Community!